Greek Geo = Earth; Pathic = Suffering or Stress.

Earth energies and currents move underground resulting from frequencies generated from the earth’s core, such natural causes as caves, underground streams, and man-made underground tunnels, create disturbances in the electromagnetic field. The resultant geo-pathic stress can cause unfavourable reaction of the biological system as a result of exposure to radiation from the earth. This radiation rises up through buildings, and whilst it does not create illness, it does weaken the human body.

The earth has a natural electromagnetic field that is at a frequency of roughly 7.8 Hz, called the Schumann Resonance. The human alpha brainwaves resonate at the same Hz. The resonance is continuously rising and dropping and we are continuously trying to come into harmony with the Schumann Resonance, for our wellbeing.

There are many lines of geopathic energy, some of which compromise the human vibrational field, we are looking for the following:

A Hartmann Grid runs North to South approximately every 6 ft 6 ins and East to West approximately 8 ft 2 ins and extends to a height of 60 to 600 ft. The Hartmann line is 21 cm wide.

A Benker line occurs every fifth Hartmann and is 800 cm wide and forms a grid of lines 10 metres apart. Benker lines create grids which alternate positive and negative.

A Curry Grid is similar to the Hartmann Grid, the lines are oriented 45 deg from North. The SW to NE repeat every 2.36m,  and the SE to NW every 2.7m. The lines are approximately 75 cm wide, with a significantly double negative line repeating every 50m.

A HOT SPOT  occurs where lines cross and create an extremely intense field of geopathic radiation, there is scientific evidnce to show that sitting, sleeping or working within this field can significantly weaken the human system.


Our homes and offices are a fog of dirty electricity, leaking from the following:
All wiring, computers, mobile phones, generator rooms, smart meters, all electrical devices, microwaves, land lines, alarm clocks, music systems, games consoles, toasters, and electric toothbrushes.

We are surrounded by high tension wires, in the distance and entering our homes and offices, satellite dish, sub-stations, and telecommunication masts. If we are near airports there is radar, and with the advent of 5G the number of masts has multiplied a great deal due to more boosters being needed.

Combined with Geopathic Stress, the negative effects of electromagnetic pollution are amplified and visa-versa.


Sometimes ancient factors beyond our control block cosmic light from entering into the heart centre. They create negative energy fields that impact our well-being, can include trapped or blocked earth energy, negative family patterns, hooks from old inhabitants, entities, energy from old battlefields, burial sites, and old and stagnant energy in streams or spirals. There can be energy gateways, negative thought forms, curses, and old emotional patterns from illness, divorce, habitual fears, mental and financial breakdowns. These remain in the vibrational field of the home or office, and can be picked up by new inhabitants, who may fall into the same patterns.