More than thirty five years ago, we were living in a house in the UK  that dated back to the Domesday Book, it was standing in A.D. 1066, and whilst it was an exquisitely beautiful home, in the English Country House style ( think Downton Abbey), it was a terrifying place to live. Sights and sounds kept everyone awake, visitors were terrified in the night, and one guest left  in the early hours. I was aware of all of this, I had always seen ‘things’ and people who were not actually present,  but I felt unable to imagine how to deal with it. We then added to our family of two children, and had another little boy, who was always sick,with stomach upsets, not sleeping, crying all night. In desperation I started to look at what might be the causes, and was led to find a ‘ghost-buster ‘ , a lovely spiritual woman who took me through all the unseen influences within the home. It was absolutely full of negative patterns from all the ages that it had been standing.  There were monks fleeing from persecution, their black cloaks flapping up the servants’ staircase,  something  nasty in the oak floored dining room, and a very lovely woman smelling of violets walking past the ancient hearth, felt and sensed during times of stress. There was also geopathic stress running the width of the house, chimney to chimney, and electromagnetic pollution from overground electrical towers half a mile away. We learned that a previous owner had committed suicide in the dining room, and that there had been a priests hiding room, on the third floor, where Mass was said during the reign of Mary, Henry 8ths daughter, when catholics were persecuted and the local Abbey was destroyed.

Our young family was growing up surrounded by all this energetic, geopathic, and electro-magnetic negativity. We asked the healer to clear all the negative energy left from  violent death, and to balance the geopathic and electromagnetic stress. She was able to assist with the entities, but she had no tools to deal with the rest. We requested that ‘The Violet Woman ‘ be left to continue her walking through the kitchen, guarding the ancient hearth with her healing wisdom. Subsequently, we left the house and moved on, but the desire to understand what was happening in the unseen energy world set us on a path to become healers, to be able to bring healing and clearing to many others. 

Our team is now  trained across multiple spiritual, energetic and shamanic  healing traditions, including Tibetan Buddhist Practice, Life Alignment, Vortex Alignment, Reiki, Crystals, Colour Healing, Flower Remedies, Manifestation, Earth energy, Goddess Practice, and we work both technically with Feng Shui knowledge, and intuitively with Soul reading.

We have worked for more than 20 plus years with families in their homes, and with businesses in their offices, film studios, farms, ranches, restaurant chains, and with realtors wanting to sell resistant properties.  We work primarily with clients who understand that it is an important part of their personal journey, to clear their environment, to cleanse contracts with Home Space, and to thrive. In the Buddhist traditions, monks and nuns always sweep and clear their space before they sit to practice meditation and prayer.